When you hear the phrase “Be a Man” it usually means toughen up or don’t be so sensitive. This has become quite the controversial phrase. Throughout time men have been pressured to strong, tough, be the primary supporter in a family and most common that they don’t express how they really feel. In the media these stereotypes are portrayed constantly. Many shows make men think they have to tough and insensitive to be a “real man”.  They portray men as the only supporter in the family and as the person who always has the final say. The only show I can think of where the man is not the primary supporter is in the show Parenthood. The fact that men are portrayed as only tough and masculine puts pressure on everyday individuals. For example, in Two Half Men, Charlie Sheen played a “typical dude”. He went to bars and slept with tons of women. This character probably influenced many men to think that he was the way a man should be.