Archives for posts with tag: women

When I was a little girl all I wanted was to be like the princesses I watched in Disney movies;  Belle, Ariel, Aurora and my favorite Cinderella. Like me many other young girls have the dream of being like Disney princesses. Beautiful, wearing extravagent dresses, living in amazing castles and having the most handsome men chasing after them. Most Disney princess movies are mainly about the princess finding her prince. Many people criticize Disney about the emphasize on being beautiful, skinny and being dependent on a man. I think that young girls are very influenced by the media and of course would want to be like a princess such as Cinderella, but I think it should be the parents responsibility to teach their children that the life of a princess is not always reality. 

After a long summer of boring television, the time for the return of old shows and the start of new series is upon us. I am really looking forward to seeing some of the new shows. As I was looking through Entertainment Weekly Magazine‘s long list of 2011’s new and returning shows I started to notice a pattern of shows that take place in the late 1950s early 1960s. Some of these shows are AMC’s Mad Men, ABC’s Pan Am, and NBC’s The Playboy Club. Time period is not the only thing these shows have in common. All three of these shows portray women in a somewhat negative way. In Mad Men the women are either housewives who have dinner ready as soon as there husbands return from work or secretaries who sleep with their bosses at the ad agency. In Pan Am the main characters are female flight attendants who must be skinny and beautiful in order to “better serve” the men on their planes. And The Playboy Club is pretty self-explanatory, beautiful women working at the Playboy Club in Chicago, wearing the famous bunny outfits, and giving men whatever there hearts desire…within reason of course. It is understood that women’s roles were very different during the 1960s compared to our roles now and to be true to the time period these shows should correctly portray this but I feel that these shows may be setting women back. I am not offended by these shows, I am actually looking forward to them, but I do understand the criticism these shows have received.